Rebecca Berschwinger

Holiness, Sacredness and a Smorgasbord Spirituality. Refuting Rainn Wilson’s Book Soul Boom; Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution Part 6

Is spirituality the new religion?  Join host, Rebecca Berschwinger, as she  delves deep into the book “Soul Boom, Why We Need A Spiritual Revolution” by Rainn Wilson, and challenges  the concept of a new-age approach to spirituality and its implications.  Wilson presents an alternative to traditional religion rooted in Baha’i beliefs, Buddhism, and Native American…

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Standing Against Evil: Examining the Moral Imperative of Israel’s Defense Measures Against Increasing Calls for a Ceasefire. 

Episode 96. Many, including those within the Christian community, are becoming increasingly weary as the death toll in Gaza rises,  resulting in increasing calls for a ceasefire. In this episode,  Rebecca responds to one such call from within the Christian community and shares her thoughts on the subject of a ceasefire. Discussion Points Contrast between…

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Israel. From Exodus to Triumph: Unveiling Miracles, Conflict, and Divine Intervention in the Promised Land

One Little Candle  Episode 94 In today’s episode, titled “Israel. From Exodus to Triumph: Unveiling Miracles, Conflict, and Divine Intervention in the Promised Land,” we will be providing you with the amazing story of the incredible journey of the nation of Israel through Amir Tsarfati’s teaching, “The Miracle Called Israel.” From biblical times to modern-day…

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Israel’s War is Our War. Information, Sources, Encouragement, and Call to Action. How You Can Make a Difference.

Special Edition Episode. The latest updates on the war in Israel; a personal and biblical perspective and how you can fight alongside Israel from where you’re at. TIME STAMPED OVERVIEW 00:00:01] Special edition podcast addressing war in Israel [00:03:01] Our spiritual connection with Israel. [00:07:38] Imagining the horror. [00:08:10] Brave couple hides twins, shoots terrorists,…

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Peering Through the Veil: Hypocrisy, Religious Wars, and Seeking a True Understanding of God. Part 5 of Refuting the Book, Soul Boom. Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution by Rainn Wilson.

In this episode(93), we finish up addressing the fallacies in chapter 4, The Notorious G.O.D. Including: *Exploring the complex nature of God and the various ways people perceive and worship Him. * Challenging unbiblical notions of God * Exploring the role of hypocrisy within religious communities. * The powerful impact of trials and suffering *…

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