Doctrine Matters Podcast

The State of Theology: Part 1

​ @Ligonier Ministries  just put out there State of Theology survey. As usual, there are some staggering numbers when it comes to the state of theology in America. Over the next several episodes I want to briefly look at each question in the survey and compare the answers given by American adults, as well as evangelicals,…

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Is Christianity Declining?

Is Christianity in decline? According to one research center the answer is yes, but is it really? What is the leading factor involved in Christianity declining? How did they conduct this research? How do they know those that profess to be Christians are actual Christians? If Christianity declines, does that mean the Kingdom of God…

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A Real Life Purge?

Is there a real life Purge about to happen in America? According to a law that will begin in January of 2023, it seems like the state of Illinois is setting themselves up to have a real life purge situation on their hands. What does this mean for future states? What does this mean for…

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Detransitioning and the Upcoming Storm

I ran across a video today of a someone named Joey Maiza who is detransistioning. Joey was born a female and transitioned to male, and is now stopping the transition. There is so much brokenness and frustration in Joey’s voice which leads me to a few thoughts about the issue and the things that will…

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When Pastors Fall

What do we do when leaders fall? Should we applaud, say I told you so, or should we show grace and lament? Matt Chandler is the latest of pastors to fall publicly and this is my response to that situation. #MattChandler #VillageChurch #celebritypastors

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