MSL: February 08, 2022

The daily radio broadcast of Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include:

How are you supposed to pronounce "amen?" Is it sin if we pronounce it differently?<br />
Can you explain Acts 8:14-17? Why didn't the Samaritans receive the Holy Spirit before the apostles came?<br />
Can you explain why Jesus brings up the patriarchs in Matthew 22, regarding the resurrection?<br />
Aren't we in the last days?<br />
What is your take on near-death experiences?<br />
Is soul sleep biblical?<br />
Before the Christ, where did the souls of believers go?<br />
Can you explain Hebrews 4:4-6?<br />
Is the church gone after Revelation chapter 3?


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