Why Does God Punish for Eternity?

Rapp Report Daily 0375
Why Does God Punish for Eternity?
Why would God punish someone for eternity for a temporal sin? This is something we hear often and the reason it is a struggle for some is because they do not understand the nature of God and therefore the nature of sin. We have to remember that God is eternal. God is eternally and infinitely holy, infinitely just and infinitely righteous. Therefore, when we break God’s law, there is an infinite consequence to it. Not because of the sin itself, but because of who we have offended. I often use this illustration to try to help people understand this. If you were to threaten my life, the police would tell you to stay away from me, and there probably would not be much that would come of it. However, if you threaten the President of the United States, his life, well, you would probably be in jail for 48 hours, until they can find something else to hold. You want to see if the threat was real. In other words, there was a difference in the consequence, and yet the threat was identical. What made the difference? The difference was, who was offended? When it comes to God, He is an infinitely holy being. Therefore, that carries with it an infinite consequence. Yes, the sin may be temporal and similar to others, but it is against the holy infinite God.

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