Small Town Theologian with Jonathan Shirk

Hosted ByJonathan Shirk

Allowing the Biblical truths of the Heidelberg Catechism to shape our theology and Christian living.

STT 059 – Do You Understand Your Original Sin (HC LD 4, QA 9-11)

“I would never do that!” Have you ever said or thought this when people hurt you in some way? The thought that we are above certain sins seems to suggest a certain self-righteousness and naivete. Apart from God’s grace, we are all capable of unspeakable evil. The doctrine of original sin is humbling and pushes us to ask for and depend upon God’s amazing grace. Jesus would never do that, and he is our confidence.

STT is a member of the Society of Reformed Podcasters.

STT is a member of the Christian Podcast Community.

Want to support the show? Don’t give money. Instead, pick up a copy of The Heidelberg Catechism: True Comfort for Life & Death and a copy of Predestined for Joy: Finding Comfort in a Controversial Doctrine. Better yet, give several copies of each to your friends. Another great way to support the show is to follow me on Facebook. Perhaps your New Year’s resolution can be to read a few theology books with the intent of having your heart warmed and drawn closer to God.

Have kids? Want to have a little fun as a family and teach your kids some profound theology? Pick up a copy of my friend Timothy Brindle’s new book and album titled The Acrostic of God and rap in the van after listening to STT. Hip hop and theology are a great combination!