The Bible Sojourner with Peter Goeman

Hosted ByPeter Goeman

The Bible Sojourner is a podcast that discusses specific biblical passages, theological topics, and the intersection between the Bible and contemporary culture. The goal of the podcast is to equip the listener to better understand the Bible, theology, and culture, all in an effort to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

What does Al Mohler think of Dispensationalism? A Review [Part 1] (Ep 155)

In this episode, Peter Goeman and Doug Bookman team up to review Al Mohler’s interview of Daniel Humel, concerning his book, “The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism.” Goeman and Bookman assess the interview and discuss the kinds of objections that are often brought up against dispensationalism as a system. Topics covered: whether dispensationalism is a valid way of interpreting the Bible, whether dispensationalism originated with Darby, whether dispensationalism is too complicated, and whether it is significant that dispensationalism is waning in the academy.

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