The Five Solas | Theology Gals | Episode 36
In anticipation of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Coleen and Ashley discuss the five solas. Coleen also tells the sad story about what happened to last week’s episode.
Episode Resources:
The Cambridge Declaration
The Five Solas of the Reformation by James Montgomery Boice
Martin Luther (1953) Movie
1518 The Legacy Project? by Jeffrey Mallinson
White Horse Inn Episodes
Between Wittenberg and Geneva: Lutheran and Reformed Theology in Conversation by Robert Kolb & Carl Trueman
Five Solas Art
Signtists (This is a gal from our group that makes custom signs and will make 5 solas)
The Reformed Sign Maker
AllisGraceDesigns (This is a friend of ours mentioned on the episode)
5 Solas Chalkboard
5 Solas Wall Art
5 Solas Mounted Wall Art
Episode Music from Castle Pines
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