Truthspresso with Daniel Mynyk ⭐️

Hosted ByDaniel Mynyk

Truthspresso is a Christian podcast addressing theology, apologetics, politics, economics, and practical life tips as caffeine for your mind.

Rethinking Money and Ministry with Conley Owens

Conley Owens is a husband and father of eight children. He is a pastor at Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church. He also has a full time job as a software engineer at Google.

But Conley is more than just a modern day Batman. He has thought deeply about how modern Christianity has commercialized ministry contrary to the examples and teachings in the Bible.

Conley’s book The Dorean Principle is an eye-opening look at how Christians should raise funds without turning the gospel into a product and recipients into consumers.

The way we publish books, host conferences, and charge speaker fees deserves some fresh criticism! And that is why The Dorean Principle demands the church’s consideration.

Further Research:

The Dorean Principle: A Biblical Response to the Commercialization of Christianity

The Dorean Principle Facebook Group

First Love Ministries

Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church