Truthspresso with Daniel Mynyk ⭐️

Hosted ByDaniel Mynyk

Truthspresso is a Christian podcast addressing theology, apologetics, politics, economics, and practical life tips as caffeine for your mind.

The Rich, Young Ruler: Salvation by the Law?!

Does the account of the rich, young ruler in the gospels show that Jesus taught that we could obtain eternal life by keeping the commandments of the law to the best of our ability?

It can seem that way–unless we really pay attention.

Let’s not gloss over the lesson Jesus taught not only to this rich, young man, but also to His disciples around Him and to us today.

What are we trusting for God’s acceptance? Jesus Christ Himself is the answer!

Scriptures Referenced:

Matthew 19:16-26

Mark 10:17-27

Luke 18:18-27

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Answers In Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry that equips Christians to know and defend their faith effectively. They offer books and videos on creationism, evangelism, apologetics, homeschooling, and much more. Answers In Genesis is also home to the famous Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.

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