What Are We Even Doing Here? with Daryl & Karen Updike ⭐️

Hosted ByDaryl & Karen Updike

We are a podcast the seeks to answer the question of "what are we even doing here?" from a biblical perspective.

G3 Conference 2019 Review

This past week we had the privilege of attending the G3 Conference in Georgia on Missions. We had an amazing time and we’d love to share our experience with you! Among the speakers were: John Piper, Paul Washer, Conrad Mbewe, Voddie Baucham, Steven Lawson, David Platt, Mark Devor, Josh Buice, Time Challies, David Miller, and Dr. James White! We got tons of book loot and made lots of friends. We also got to meet some podcasters that we enjoy including The Bar Podcast, WWUTT, Iron sharpens Iron, and Wrath and Grace. We are looking forward to next year’s conference on Worship!

Thanks for listening!

Grace and Peace