hate mail

MSL: August 12, 2022

The daily radio broadcast of CARM.org. Open calls, questions, and discussion with Guest host Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include: Matt reads hate mail. A caller wanted to challenge Matt’s claims related to the falsifiability of the New Age movement. A caller wanted to discuss the beginning of the universe and how Christianity…

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MSL: August 05, 2022

The daily radio broadcast of CARM.org. Open calls, questions, and discussion with Guest host Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include: Do you think UFO sightings are evil spirits? Is there value in shows about Christ, like The Chosen? Matt reads hate mail. Do you think shows about Christ are violating the first commandment…

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MSL: July 29, 2022

The daily radio broadcast of CARM.org. Open calls, questions, and discussion with Guest host Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include: Matt discusses what pastors should be teaching in an age of deception. What exactly do those who follow Oneness theology believe? Matt reads hate mail. Why are gold and silver seemingly used differently…

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MSL: July 22, 2022

The daily radio broadcast of CARM.org. Open calls, questions, and discussion with Guest host Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include: Why don’t Catholics preach the gospel? Was Jesus afraid to die? Why are there so many translations of Psalm 138:2? What does that verse mean? What does it mean in Hosea that “my…

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MSL: July 15, 2022

The daily radio broadcast of CARM.org. Open calls, questions, and discussion with Guest host Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include: Matt reads hate mail. Why does Scripture seem to distinguish between killing someone before and after birth (Exodus 21:12 and Exodus 21:22)? Is the battle mentioned in Ezekiel future or past? I’m part…

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