Rapp Report

Does Divorce Disqualify One for Leadership? | Rapp Report Daily 0040 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity

Can someone who is has been divorced be qualified as a pastor or deacon?  Many people look to 1 Timothy and believe that when it says that a pastor or deacon is a husband of one wife that it means one wife for life.  They would argue that this disqualifies a divorced person.  However, it…

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The Bible’s Authority is a Circular Argument | Rapp Report Daily 0039 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity

Many atheists try to make the claim that the Bible’s authority is a circular argument. They believe that Christians make the argument that the Bible is an authority because the Bible says it is an authority.  However, that is not the argument we make.  The reason the Bible is an authority is because Its Author…

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False converts lack Biblical understanding | Rapp Report Daily 0038 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity

When someone claims that they used to be a Christian we often find that they have a lack of basic understanding of the Bible.  Even those who say they went to seminary and studied to be a pastor show ignorance in basic Bible doctrines.  And yet they use the claim that they used to be…

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They Left Us because They are not of Us | Rapp Report Daily 0037 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity

There is one key Bible verse that proves that no one that makes the claim that they were once a Christian ever was.  In  1 John 2:19, states that anyone that leaves the Christian community does so because they were never part of the Christian community.  The purpose of the verse is to show that…

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False Claims of De-conversion | Rapp Report Daily 0036 | Andrew Rappaport | SFE | Striving for Eternity

Sometimes you hear people make the false claim that they de-converted from Christianity.  The argument they make is that they were once a Christian and trusted in God as in the Bible as the ultimate authority, however, they have now changed their understanding.  This shows a fundamental lack of understanding of what it means to…

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