Our guest is a book author, youth pastor, sports writer, coach, and dad, Tyler D Smith.

Note: I have to apologize to listeners for the poor audio quality in the episode. We had to resort to low tech methods to record.

“Used with permission from Microsoft.”

Tyler shares some of his background, and journey to where he is today. His new book, Seeking for Seven is an easy read for high school students, on up to all ages. He addresses some tough topics like pain and suffering in the world but makes the answers easy to understand.

The book title, Seeking for Seven, has a double meaning. Each chapter is a stand-alone topic to help you grow closer to God every day. Study questions in the back of the book make it an ideal resource for a personal, or small group study. Seven is also a number of God and sometimes means perfection. Seeking for seven also means seeking his perfection on a daily basis.

Check out the book, and other work that Tyler does at:

Searching for Seven.

Searching for Seven: The Journey of Seeking God Seven on Amazon.

Searching for Seven on Facebook.


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