Abide in the Word Podcast seeks to teach and discuss biblical theology as applicable to current culture and events. We live in a time where false teaching and bad doctrine abound in the local church often due to ease of access to online platforms, and we seek to provide sound content on those platforms, pointing to the sufficiency and authority of the Word of God in all matters.
Our hosts, Lauren Dyck and Mike Hovland, both attend Grace Bible Fellowship, a Grace Advance church plant in La Crete, Alberta, Canada. Lauren was part of the original group seeking to establish a church plant committed to the exegetical proclamation of the full counsel of God’s Word. Pastor Mike Hovland was later hired through the Grace Advance program, and 11 months after GBF was planted, Mike and his family moved to La Crete to shepherd our church. Prior to moving to La Crete, Mike was associate pastor at GraceLife Church of Edmonton where he served after graduating from The Master’s Seminary.
All Episodes
009: Examining Calvinism: Part 2 Total Depravity | Abide in the Word
In this episode, we continue our series in which we examine Calvinism or often referred to as the doctrines of grace, and look at what the Bible teaches us...
008: Examining Calvinism: Part 1 God’s Sovereign Decree | Abide in the Word
In this episode, we begin a series in which we will examine Calvinism or often referred to as the doctrines of grace. We begin by looking at what the...
007: Assurance of Salvation | Abide in the Word
In this episode, we look at what the Bible says about the assurance of salvation for true believers. As a true believer, can I know that I am saved?...
006: Bill C-4 & the Criminalization of Biblical Truth | Abide in the Word
In this episode, we look at the recent changes made to the Criminal Code of Canada with the passing of Bill C-4, “Conversion Therapy Ban”. We define this new...
Lauren Dyck & Mike Hovland
Show Hosts
Abide in the Word
010: Examining Calvinism Part 3: Unconditional Election (Part 1) | Abide in the Word
In this episode, we continue our series in which we examine Calvinism or often referred to as the doctrines of grace, and look at what the Bible teaches us...