
Should a Christian Drink Alcohol? | Rapp Report Daily 0045 | Striving for Eternity

Should a Christian drink alcohol?  In modern Western cultures, there is very little reason for a Christian to argue for the drinking of alcohol.  They do not need it for dysentery and very few have any medical reasons for it.  However, some believe they have that liberty.  The most important thing for those Christians is…

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Can a Christian Drink Alcohol? | Rapp Report Daily 0044 | Striving for Eternity

Can a Christian drink alcohol?  There is no sin in drinking alcohol in and of itself.  The Scripture has always been clear that drunkenness is a center.  One must ask, however, why do they want to drink alcohol with so many options available.  The motivation behind the drinking of alcohol can be the determiner between…

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Did Jesus Drink Alcohol? | Rapp Report Daily 0043 | Striving for Eternity

Did Jesus drink alcohol?  There are some who would like to believe that Jesus Christ never drank alcohol because they believe that all alcohol drinking is a sin.  However, we see in Scripture that Jesus did, in fact, drink alcohol.  Jesus being God cannot sin.  Therefore if Jesus Christ drank alcohol than drinking alcohol cannot…

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Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin? | Rapp Report Daily 0042 | Striving for Eternity

Is drinking alcohol a sin?  The drinking of alcohol in and of itself is not a sin.  The Scripture is clear that drunkenness is always the same.  Some try to excuse drinking in the first century as if there was no alcohol content.  This is untrue. ================================================================ This podcast is a ministry of Striving for…

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Did People Drink Alcohol in the First Century? | Rapp Report Daily 0041 | Striving for Eternity

Did the people drink alcohol in the first century?  The answer is yes they did.  Alcohol served a purpose to killing dysentery in water.  In fact, people would have had to drink some level of alcohol to avoid being sick from the water.  In the first century, they did not have water filtration like we…

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